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The freedom to work from anywhere

Becoming a hybrid has great benefits, but some challenges...
At Artishok we use data and algorithms to establish and maintain a sustainable hybrid organization - optimizing Your workplace and workforce.

​I joined the team as a freelancer when the product was about to launch. The challenge was to join the team when there is a graphic language and several screens that have already been developed.

The process was first of all to understand the existing problems and to give solutions and suggestions that do not take too much development time. (on-the-fly solutions).

After the launch with several design partners, we learned through them what worked for them, and what didn't, and we just kept improving.

I was responsible for the entire product issue, the user experience, the graphic language (which I renewed and expanded), the marketing parts, and of course the work in trying to keep this complex product as simple and convenient to use as possible.


UX/UI Design

Design system

Usability Testing














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Should I stay or should I go?

The decision whether to go to the office tomorrow or stay at home depends not only on us but also on the team that works with me, important meetings or interesting events.

In this way, we created high accessibility and usability for the users when they get the full picture and make the right decision for them.


We like to talk to the team and understand their needs and their expectations for the week.


The quick and easy access to the changes they have to make allows them to be transparent and productive.

Connect your enterprise applications - task management, calendars, HRIS, and more
Use our organizational data-driven ‘work Engine’ to coordinate them all.

Stay on top of your employee productivity, work-life balance, sense of belonging, and satisfaction in an accurate and scientific manner.

Manage & Operate

With 2 central personas, I had to think about creating slightly different experiences.

As the manager of the office, he had to set company-wide rules and definitions. It was necessary to allow him to produce simulations and define granular modes of operation on a Building, Floor, zone, and seat level.


By doing that he will be able to receive immediate data on the effect and influence of the office in terms of space, employee welfare, and money.

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